quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

I'm Back

I'm Here. I arrived in Recife on Saturday afternoon, 12 hours after leaving London. When I was taking the subway to leave, I still could not believe that next time I woke up it would not be there. I said goodbye to my friends (or family?). And just like everything else during those 30 days, the "adieu" also was just like a movie, complete with tears and rain (just the violins were missing in the background haha - but they were playing in my head, I think).

All my experiences, everything I learned, I could not write down here as much as I tried. I discovered things about myself that would remain hidden if I had not left home. I also discovered that no matter how far I am, I carry my "home" with me. My parents, my sister, my friends... But from time to time I'll accent things on my mind and "talk" about them here. It's great to be back. I'm happy. But you know what's weird? Before leaving I thought I was from Brazil. And indeed, I am. But now I feel as I belong also to other places in the world. As I could be happy in many other places as well ... As I belong to London, Rome, Prague, Seoul ...

Thanks for making me feel at home.
I miss you guys.
Can not wait to see you again...

Transitional Poem - Mário Quintana
We must leave, We must arrive
We must leave, We must arrive
Oh, how urgent this life is !
... However I really prefered to leave ...
and - until today - when I embark to somewhere
I accommodate myself in some place,
close my eyes and dream: travel, travel
but nowhere to go ... indefinitely ...
like a spaceship lost among the stars

ps.: sorry for my bad writting :P

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